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“Where there is no vision,

the people perish.” 

By the year 2050, I desire to live in a world at peace and in unity,
where all of its peoples are enjoying unlimited educational opportunity and economic prosperity, while accepting of each person’s diversity, living in spiritual freedom from government or religious tyrants.

Call Your Highest Aspirations into Being that they Be Manifested on Earth!

Trinidad Book Launch In

Port-of-Spain at NALIS National Library as Willis conducts his Caribbean Book Tour



Joseph Berment McDowald 

Interviews Willis Burris

As he conducts his Caribbean Book Launch

In early April 2016, as the new author of, THE MAN I LOVE AND ME, Willis Burris attended the National Black Writers Conference at Medgar Evers College of the City University of New York in Brooklyn, along with professor emeritus Dr. David L. Closson of Sanford, Florida.  They also attended several outstanding workshops and viewed short films, reviews and presentations.  These were all sponsored by the Center for Black Literature at Medgar Evers College (http://www.mec.cuny.edu/centers/CBL.aspx). In addition to participating in the conference, Willis made donations of his new book to the President of York College, his undergraduate Alma mater and to four department heads, including the Chief Librarian Njoki Wa Kinyatti and head of the Journalism Department, Professor Glenn Lewis.  Willis also gave a talk on “Spiritually Inspired Business and Investing” at the Bahá’í Center in New York City.  He then conducted book reviews and signings at the Nicholas Brooklyn Store in Brooklyn, NY: Wartburg Residence in Mount Vernon, NY: and at the Spoil Me 2 Store at the Springfield Mall in Philadelphia, PA. Willis looks forward to meeting readers and other writers, educators, students, justice activists, business people -- particularly entrepreneurs and conscious adults & youths, as he continues the writing of his next book on global economic development.

Tobago's TV5 Interviews Willis Burris

As he conducts his Caribbean Book Launch

Tweet Willis @willobee9

Global Operator - World Transformer

Book: The Man I Love & Me

"Where there is no vision,

                  the people perish."




Book: The Man I Love & Me (TMILAM)

NOW ON KINDLE @ Amazon.com

Order an Autographed Copy: Paypal.com or Mail Check Payable to Willis Burris - P.O. Box 108, Sanford, Florida 32772  --  US$20 in USA, US$35 Outside the USA


VISION 2050 >>>


~ We are amazed with the many details Willis remembered from his childhood, about the history of Trinidad and Tobago, and other important events around the world. We encourage everyone to read this book – you won’t regret it. ~ Mansingh & Nikou Amarsingh, Trinidad and Tobago

~ I should not have started reading this book at midnight, because I could not put it down! Such a lovely tribute. The stories made me laugh and cry. Willis Burris vividly and beautifully captures a moment, and at the same time several decades of history.  This is a complex study in human relationships and personal growth. It is a coming of age and grace and wisdom story, but perhaps it is mostly a love story between a father and a son. Thank you Willis for sharing a little bit of your soul with everyone who reads this book.  ~ Peri Sedigh, Attorney at Law

~ I support Willis Burris’s, tribute to his father and family members. Willis took his time to create a clear picture of parenting, family and hard work within different environments and in diverse parts of the world. He has allowed me to know his life story without being in his presence and to learn more deeply the love between friends. He has with conviction shared what most would not experience in a lifetime, which is genuine love among brothers, not just his biological brothers, but rather brotherly relationships established through his travels. ~ Dr. Barbara Kirby-Bentley, Educator & Administrator